The Ultimate Glass Pool Fencing Guide

Glass pool fencing is an elegant and modern solution for fencing around swimming pools. Providing clear and unobstructed views to both the landscape and the pool area.

Furthermore, glass pool fence is climb resistant and durable. Not to mention it also meets most safety standards and national pool codes.

Even better, glass fences are very low maintenance, as a result of using marine grade stainless steel components. Perfect for residential and commercial properties.

Glass Pool Fencing Options

Glass pool fencing is pretty straight forward. As a result, there are really only two components that make up the fence system. The glass and the posts or bases for mounting the glass fencing.

However, there are still some options available to the consumer when purchasing a glass pool fence. Framed or frameless fence systems are one option. Height, style of post or base and the method used to install them are also options for glass fences.

transparent view of glass pool fence
Glass Pool Fencing Mounted to Concrete Pool Decking

Frameless Glass Pool Fencing

Just as it sounds, a frameless glass pool fence system uses only bases to hold the glass panels vertical. Posts and rails are not needed. Therefore providing an almost invisible barrier surrounding your pool.

Optional glass to glass clamps between each glass fencing panel will provide extra support. Furthermore, the optional brackets keep the top of the frameless glass pool fencing panels in better alignment with each other. However, they are optional and not required.

Fences located in high traffic areas or in locations where children are present may benefit from the added straight the clamps provide.

Framed Glass Pool Fencing

Framed glass pool fencing will have full length fence posts to support the glass panels. Some glass pool fence systems will also have horizontal rails for added strength and support.

Depending on the manufacturer of the fence system, aluminum or stainless steel is used for the framework. Because of the added support framework provides for glass fences, thinner glass panels are used.

As a result, framed systems are usually less expensive than frameless systems. However, the style of posts combined with the material its made from can sometimes offset any cost savings.

Spigots, Balustrades, Clamps and Bases

No matter what they are referred to as, spigots, balustrades, clamps and bases all have the same purpose. That is, to hold the glass panels plumb and vertical.

There are two methods in which the bases of glass pool fence attach to the pool decking. The first and most common method is to surface mount.

Surface mount bases have a flange or plate with holes welded to the bottom of them. Therefore, allowing screws or bolts to fasten them securely to the surface of the pool decking.

The second method for mounting glass pool fencing bases is core drilling. Core drilling uses a large, hollow drill bit to drill through and remove a plug from concrete pool decks.

Special hydraulic cement concretes the bases of the glass pool fence into place. Both methods are accepted standards for installation. However, core drilling will only work on concrete pool decking.

Color options and finishes are also available options for the bases of glass fences. Polished or brushed stainless steel are two popular choices.

Glass fencing bases that are powder coated provide the customer with colored options. As a result, allowing them to match their surroundings.

The bases of glass pool fence come in different shapes and sizes too. Square and round are the most common shapes. This allows for matching scenic landscape or architectural styles.

Glass Options

The glass for glass pool fencing is tempered. As a result, it is 6 to 8 times stronger than standard glass. The width of each glass panel is determined by the length of the fence line.

However, for structural reasons, most manufacturers of glass pool fences limit the maximum width to 60″ to 65″ wide. But there are other differences in the glass worth mentioning.

The thickness of the glass comes in two common widths. However, the glass pool fencing system purchased, whether framed or frameless, will determine the size of the glass .

The extra support of a framed system allows for a thinner 3/8″ tempered glass panel. Frameless systems will require thicker 1/2″ glass fencing panels.

The height of the glass determines the overall height of the fence. 48″ tall is the most common height. However, there are other heights available.

60″ tall is the tallest height for glass pool fencing. Shorter heights are available in 36″ tall and 42″ tall. Custom heights are also available for special projects.

How Much Does Glass Pool Fencing Cost?

Without knowing specifics on the style of framework and how the fence is mounted, it is almost impossible to give and accurate per foot cost for a glass pool fence. Although, a good starting point is between $80 – $100 per foot. Much more costly than other types of pool fences such as aluminum pool fence.

The number of gates, the fence layout, type of pool decking and base options will all effect the cost of the fence. Each glass pool fencing system is truly custom. Designed to fit your particular configuration and style.

However, there is some good news. It is pretty easy to install when compared to other types of fences. As a result, handy customers willing to tackle installing their own fence will save on labor costs.

How to Install Glass Pool Fencing

Because the fence mounts to pool decking, much like temporary pool fencing, glass pool fence is much easier to install when compared to traditional fences. Especially when using surface mounted bases.

There are no holes to dig and no concrete to mix. Core drilling adds a level of difficulty above what most homeowners are comfortable with. Therefore, hiring a professional fence contractor is best for this application.

However, once the bases have been mounted correctly, the rest of the glass pool fencing installs easily.

Bases, Spigots and Clamps

surface mount for glass panels
Glass Pool Fencing with Bolt Down Surface Mounts

Two bases per section support each panel of glass. Surface mount bases are adjustable to accommodate unleveled concrete or pool decking. A chalk line or string line ensures that the glass pool fence runs straight and true.

A hammer drill with masonry bit is required to drill holes into concrete. Concrete anchors inserted into the drilled holes fasten the bases to the decking. For wood decking, use lag bolts to mount the bases.

Blocking between joists helps provide a solid foundation for lags to bite into on wood decking. A trim cover plate hides the fasteners used for securing the bases.

Follow the glass fencing manufactures instructions in regards to the spacing between each base.

Installing the Glass Panels

The panels of glass pool fencing are easy to install. They simply drop into slots found in the bases. Rubber pads protect the glass on each side. Set screws prevent the glass from moving, securing them into place.

Check panels for level before tightening set screws. Setting blocks shimmed between the glass and the bases account for inconstancies in the pool decking. Therefore, ensuring the tops of all the glass pool fence panels are the same height.

Optional panel clamps tie each panel together. Installed towards the top of the panel, they help keep the tops aligned in a row.

While the clamp does add some visual distraction, the added strength is worth it to most. Panels in locations set away from traffic or high use areas will not benefit from the optional clamps.

Gates for Glass Pool Fencing

Gates allow access to fenced areas. Chances are you will have at least one. Gates for glass pool fencing are really heavy. As a result, only narrow widths are available.

For wider openings, use a double gate. A double gate is when two walk gates that meet in the middle without the need for a center post.

Pool codes state that the gates must have self closing hinges and self latching latches. Manufacturers of glass pool fence include high quality hardware that comply with these regulations.

Furthermore, they use soft closing hinges in order to prevent the heavy glass gates from slamming shut.

Just like the glass fencing system, gates come framed or frameless. Framed gates are better for commercial use. Therefore, providing more strength and allowing for more hardware choices such as key pads and panic bars.

Gates within fence lines hang from and latch to opposing glass panels. However, stand alone gates or framed gates use posts for support.

Glass Pool Fencing Advantages

glass pool fencing on pool deck
Unobstructed Views with Glass Pool Fencing

One of the main advantages of glass pool fencing is its transparency. No other fence on the market can compare. As a result, they do not feel confining, even in smaller spaces.

Enclosed pool areas with glass fencing actually feel larger than they really are. Another advantage is that they fit into every application. No matter the setting, glass pool fencing blends in well. Adding a touch of class and elegance to every landscape.

The last advantage is that glass pool fence is easy to clean. Really the only maintenance involved is to occasionally clean the glass. Just soap and water will work. Make sure to stay away from abrasive cleaners.

Disadvantages of Glass Pool Fencing

The most obvious is price. They’re not cheap. However, once installed, they require little to no maintenance.

Unlike other styles such as vinyl pool fence, another disadvantage is that animals can’t see glass pool fence very well. Birds will occasionally fly into the glass panels. As a result, accidentally ending their lives.

Larger animals like dogs and deer can not only injure themselves by running into the glass, but also could potentially cause damage to the fence. Which leads us to the next disadvantage.

They are costly to repair. Furthermore, custom glass panels are not readily available. Therefore, expect long material wait times for fence repairs.

Lastly, even though it is easy to clean, cleaning both sides is a must. It does no good to clean only one side. This isn’t always easy to do if the fence is up against landscaping such as bushes or hedges.


Glass pool fencing is a classy, modern, low maintenance option for pool fencing. As a result, making glass fencing a trendy choice for both residential and commercial property owners.

Easy to install, glass pool fence makes spaces surrounded by them feel larger because of their transparency. A safe and secure solution for pool containment.

For more information on glass pool fence or to request a quote, visit our friends at Aquaview Fencing.

About the Author

Jeff Becka

Hi, I'm Jeff
I am the President and owner of R&T Fence Company and the Fence Resource website. With 29 years of experience in the fence installation business, I have held every position at R&T Fence Company, from shop helper and laborer to crew leader, sales, general manager, and now owner and president. I know just about everything there is to know about fences and fence installation.

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