7 Best Split Rail Fence Gate Ideas

Chances are if you fenced in your yard with split rail fence, you’re also going to have a split rail fence gate.

There are two reasons to have a gate. The first is to allow pedestrian foot traffic in and out of the fence. Usually with a single gate leaf. The second is to allow access to larger equipment, such as lawn mowers and tractors. This will require a split rail fence double gate.

Gates are the part of the fence that takes the most abuse. They gets the most use. As a result, you’ll want to choose a good one. One that accomplishes the task it is asked to do. At the same time easy to operate and functional.

Split rail fences were originally designed to hold in and contain large farm animals or to define property lines and boundaries. However, overtime, they have become more popular in residential applications.

Adding wire mesh to split rail fence gives it the ability to contain smaller farm animals and pets. But, as split rail fence have become more widely used in residential settings, the gates for split rail fencing have not evolved.

As result, leaving homeowners to look at other options when choosing a gate design for their split rail fence.

In this article, we take a look at 7 split rail fence gate ideas. We’ll also look at the pros and cons to each style.

The split rail fence gate you choose will be based on functionality , ease of use, and your personal choice in style.

This article will get you pointed in the right direction. Let’s take a look at the 7 best designs for a split rail fence gate.

1. Split Rail Fence Gates

gate in split rail fence
Traditional Split Rail Man Gate

Split rail gates are made from the same materials as your split rail fence. The two most common materials are treated pine split rail and cedar split rail.

Split rail gates are usually pre-made by the fence manufacturer and are offered in standard sizes. Normally in one foot increments in widths of 3′, 4′ and 5′ wide.

Many homeowners choose to purchase split rail gates because they match the fence well. However, they they do have some drawbacks when compared to other styles of gates used for split rail fencing. They are heavy and as result, sag overtime.

Traditional split rail gates really aren’t really ideal for customers width gate openings either. Custom gate widths will require modifying of a standard gate width.

Attaching wire mesh to split rail gates is also challenging when trying to use your split rail fence to contain pets. The result looks like an afterthought and is not very attractive.

Another drawback is hardware options. Eye bolts and J bolts are used for split rail fence gate hinges. Hoop or loop style latches are also commonly used to secure the gate in the closed position.

2. Wood Picket Gates for Split Rail Fences

Split Rail Picket Gate
Arched Picket Style Gate

Wood Picket gates for split rail fences are becoming more popular. And for good reason. Wood picket gates can be easily customized from their widths to overall design. Scalloped and arched are popular designs when used for split rail fence gates.

An advantage to a wood picket gate is there is no need to use a wire mesh backing to keep pets contained. The spacing between each picket are close enough to prevent most animals from squeezing through.

Wood picket gates for split rail fences also provide more hardware options for hinges and latches. Allowing the customer to find the latch and hinge combination that will best suite their needs.

The biggest drawback when choosing a picket gate is that it won’t match the rest of the fence. Although many homeowners like the change in look because it sets the gate apart from the rest of the fence.

Furthermore, wood picket gates aren’t the best for large gate openings. Picket gates over the length of 5′ tend to sag after time. Becoming cumbersome and difficult to operate.

We use welded steel frames on all of our wood gates for added strength and support. However, some customers do not like the silver look of the galvanized steel.

3. Farm Style Welded Pipe Gates

pipe style tube gate
Welded Pipe Style Tube Gate

Farm style pipe gates have been around for years. The simple design is strong yet light in weight. The are easy to operate and cover large openings well. Making them a popular gate for split rail fence.

Standard single gate widths are 4′, 6′, 8′, 10′ and 12′ wide. Larger widths of up to 16′ wide are also available. However, pipe style gates have large spaces between the pipes. As a result, not good for containing small animals or pets.

Adding wire mesh to the gate is an option. Some manufacturers offer farm gates will welded wire mesh panels already installed. Perfect when trying to contain smaller farm animals or pets.

Farm gates come either galvanized or painted from the factory. Red, green or blue are standard colors. These colors do not fit in well with residential surroundings. Therefore, farm gates are not a popular choice for homeowners.

Because of their height, they are not an ideal 2 rail split rail fence gate.

Farmers and ranchers however, love their ease of use, strength and durability.

split rial fence with chain link gate
Black Vinyl Chain Link Gate

Chain link gates have metal frames welded together at the corners. Making them strong like farm gates. However, they are designed to easily attach wire mesh to.

Vinyl coated options come in green, black and brown. Making them a little more appealing to the eye than the silver galvanized chain link gates.

Chain link gates do a good job at keeping animals contained. They are also light weight and easy to operate. Custom gate openings are not a problem when purchasing from a professional fence company.

Hardware options are plentiful when choosing a chain link gate for your split rail fence. Pretty much any standard chain link gate hinge or latch option will work.

However, chain link gates are still metal. Consumers wanting the rustic look of split rail fence may not like the look of chain link gates.

5. Wooden Corral Style Gates

split rail fence with corral style gates
Wood Corral Style Split Rail Fence Double Gates

Wooden corral style gates use dimensional lumber when built. 1x6s and 2x6s are popular lumber sizes for a split rail fence gate. Dimensional lumber is easy to work with. Allowing homeowners and do-it-yourselfers the opportunity to build their own gates.

As a result, custom gate openings are easy to accommodate. Spacing of the horizontal rails should match the split rail fence spacing.

Corral gates work well for both 3 rail and 2 rail split rail fence gates.

They aren’t as heavy in weight as split rail gates. However, I still don’t recommended them when required to cover large openings. Attaching wire mesh is an option using fence staples.

6. Aluminum Gates for Split Rail Fencing

split rail fence with aluminum gate
Aluminum Gate In Split Rail Fence

Ornamental aluminum gates come in many heights, widths, and colors. Also available in many colors powder coated from the factory.

Gate adornments such as scrolls, rings and finials are extra options. Although when set between rustic split rail fence may look out of place.

Scalloped and arched tops are popular when using ornamental gates for a split rail fences. They are lightweight and easy to operate.

The vertical pickets do well for containing pets. However, ornamental gates are the most expensive of all the gate options.

7. Welded Wire Panel and Wood Gates

cattle panel gate with wood frame
Welded Wire Panel and Wood Framed Gate

The combination of a wood frame with a welded wire panels results in a unique looking gate. The welded wire panels allow for cutting to custom widths.

Wood framing is easy to build for many homeowners. Allowing do-it-yourselfers the ability to save money guided gates themselves.

However, most welded wire fence panels are cattle panels. As result, having larger spaces than desired for smaller pet owners. For small pets, choose a panel with smaller openings.

Welded wire fence from a roll is an alternative to a welded panel. Although the heavier gauge wire used in panels provide the rigidity needed to support gates better.

Split Rail Fence Gate Posts

I’d like to take a second to discuss split rail fence gate posts. It doesn’t matter what type of gate you choose. They all will eventually have problems operating correctly if they don’t hang from a solid foundation.

Therefore, I recommend that you concrete the posts for split rail fence gates. At my fence installation company, we concrete both the hinge post and latch post. But at the very minimum the hinge post should be concreted. Allowing at least a few days for the cement to harden before hangin the gate.

This will help to provide years of trouble free service from your gate.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, there are many split rail fence gate ideas to choose from. Some offer better functionality. Some are more cost effective and some are better looking than others.

Choosing the style of your split rail fence gate will probably be based on personal preference. Get the one that fits your taste and meets your needs.

About the Author

Jeff Becka

Hi, I'm Jeff
I am the President and owner of R&T Fence Company and the Fence Resource website. With 29 years of experience in the fence installation business, I have held every position at R&T Fence Company, from shop helper and laborer to crew leader, sales, general manager, and now owner and president. I know just about everything there is to know about fences and fence installation.

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